Themes We Work On

Have a look at our focus areas

Personal Developement

Personal Development projects can help to identify the skills which are needed to set life goals, this can raise the confidence of young participants, enhance their employability prospects and develop their communication skills, how they relate with themselves & others what will lead to a more fulfilling, higher quality life. This projects can help to stimulate the self-development process of the participants. The main aim and objectives are:

  • To increase employability and participation of youth workers, develop their professional skills and increase their efficiency we give the tools and processes of coaching and supporting the youngsters in own communities.
  • To get tools of empathic communication and conflict transformation known for their daily life and work.
  • To  assist the participants  to “get out of the box”, stop clichés, enlarge their “comfort zone” and maximize their creativity and see themselves and everything around as a possibilit.
  • The methodology of this trainings courses is based on learning by doing, which refers to the process of making meanings from direct experience.
  • To give motivation and passion that enrich the learning experience. The methodology is based on the concepts of developing and challenging individuals and groups through a creative.
  • The exercises which called ‘processes’ is may involve talking, while in another participants will be listening or visualizing certain thoughts.
  • Our exercises will be provided in combination with music, dancing or playing also we provide in the trainings indoor and outdoor processes.
The Participants will get intercultural experience by meeting different countries, cultures, backgrounds, religions to practice tolerance and break stereotypes & prejudices. They will learn to improve and make, positive and effective life choices and decisions for their future to enable personal empowerment.